Plans & Pricing

Get 100 free leads with ANY plan!



free forever

one-time payment

Get 100 free leads and start tracking your outreach using this package

100 fresh leads

Use these tokens to ensure that our service is the right fit for you. You can generate leads for many different niches and languages.

Personal dashboard

Track your outreach and see how many leads you have left.

Phone number finder

Find phone numbers on any website and contact them directly.

Mail address finder

Find mail addresses on any website and contact them directly.




one-time payment

For small agencies and freelancers who want to get more leads and track their outreach

100 fresh leads

Get 100 tokens, which can be used to generate leads for many different niches and languages.

Personal dashboard

Track your outreach and see how many leads you have left.

Phone number finder

Find phone numbers on any website and contact them directly.

Mail address finder

Find mail addresses on any website and contact them directly.




one-time payment

For middle-sized agencies and freelancers who want to get more leads and track their outreach

500 fresh leads

Get 500 tokens, which can be used to generate leads for many different niches and languages.

Personal dashboard

Track your outreach and see how many leads you have left.

Phone number finder

Find phone numbers on any website and contact them directly.

Mail address finder

Find mail addresses on any website and contact them directly.

Professional tools (Coming soon)

Get access to our professional tools, which will help you to automate your outreach and save time.




one-time payment

For large agencies and freelancers who want to get more leads and track their outreach

3.000 fresh leads

Get 3.000 tokens, which can be used to generate leads for many different niches and languages.

Personal dashboard

Track your outreach and see how many leads you have left.

Phone number finder

Find phone numbers on any website and contact them directly.

Mail address finder

Find mail addresses on any website and contact them directly.

Professional tools (Coming soon)

Get access to our professional tools, which will help you to automate your outreach and save time.


Still have questions?

Get started with AgencyLabs today

Get 100 free leads. No payment details needed!